Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

The Senate killed the amendment

Breaking: Senate kills Blunt amendment on religious conscience
Democrats managed to wrangle enough votes to table the Blunt amendment that would have amended the HHS mandate to allow employers a religious-conscience exemption from the requirement to supply free contraception, abortifacients

Senate Defeats Blunt Amendment - American Spectator
The media coverage of the Blunt amendment certainly didn't help. Politico describes it as "an amendment to allow employers to cover health services." The Christian Science Monitor reported it brought the culture wars to the Senate

Blunt Amendment Vote: Contraception Measure Fails In Senate
The Senate voted on Thursday 51 to 48 to reject a controversial amendment sponsored by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) that would have overridden the Obama Administration's new contraception coverage rule and allowed any employer to refuse

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