Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Tsunami debris spreads over Hawaii and California

Drowning in plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a crisis that, for the most part, people tend to overlook. Last year, a tsunami hit Japan, causing massive amounts of debris and drawing attention back to the oceanic landfill. So what is the Great Pacific Garbage
Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Where does all the plastic go?

Tsunami debris spreads halfway across Pacific
Ultimately, Maximenko said, most of the remaining tsunami debris will join garbage floating in a gyre between Hawaii and California produced by swirling Pacific currents. Much of that trash in a wide area known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Tsunami debris spreads halfway across Pacific
Ultimately, Maximenko said, tsunami debris will join garbage floating in a gyre between Hawaii and California produced by swirling Pacific currents. Much of that trash in a wide area known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is bits of plastic

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