Senin, 27 Februari 2012

How to make Kombucha Tea

Join the Kombucha Tea Craze and See How It's Made
Have you noticed that your health food markets have stocked fridges full of kombucha tea? In only a few years, kombucha has become king of the healthy beverage craze. Loved for its fizziness and signature sweet and sour flavor, fans of kombucha

Kombucha tea: Friend or foe?
The founder attributes the drink's content with helping his mother beat cancer. by Christi Sodano Since the '90s when it first gained recognition as a cure-all for ailments for everything from cancer to graying hair, kombucha teahas continued to gain

Kombucha tea: Hot health drink is gaining steam
BY MARGARET MORGAN What do kombucha tea and sourdough bread have in common? They both are bred from a “mother,” a solid mass that is a culture of yeast and bacteria often called a mushroom or SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)

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